Family Reunion September 2014

Family Reunion September 2014

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

"Trey Tuesday" - November 18, 2014

Q-Tips, Chapstick, Kleenex and BandAids

When was the last time your child asked you for an "adhesive bandage"?
Or a "facial tissue, cotton swab or lip balm"?
Chances are your family uses the trademarked names in place of the common generic terms for many every day items in your lives. 

"Trey Tuesday"
It's not a trademarked name, but it certainly holds a lot of meaning for literally hundreds of people around the world.  "Trey Tuesday" symbolizes an internet community of people which gathered each week to love, support and pray for our Young Warrior and his family. 

You are a dynamic team of faithful prayer warriors!  Read back over some Trey Tuesdays over the years to witness first hand God's amazing answers to prayer!
In October 2011 we prayed:
So as we pray for Trey this week, yes, we pray for God to completely heal Trey from cancer! = done!  :)
And for successful chemo cocktails! = done!  :)
And for a clearing up of his cold! = done!  :)
And for God's peace that passes understanding for Joe and Bella and Jay and Rachel - and Trey, too! = Amen!  Amen!  Amen!  Amen! = done!  :)

From March 2012:
This week Trey and Jay and Rachel are facing a new chapter in Trey's treatment plan.
Please pray that Dr. Shaw is preparing an excellent plan for Trey!  = done!  :) Please pray that Jay and Rachel are able to discern their choices with Godly wisdom! = done!  :) Please pray that Trey continues to dance, to sing, to play, to eat, to sleep, to laugh, and to love giving testimony to God's power! = done!  :) And please pray that our Young Warrior and his journey bring many to faith in Christ! = done!  And yet still praying for more!  :) 

Your prayers have had a powerful effect on Trey's life, the life of his parents and siblings and on the entire Team Mitlo One community, encouraging one another in the name of Christ...

Please join us as we continue the tradition and gather for weekly prayer, suitably named,
"Trey Tuesday."

"From Christ the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work."  Ephesians 4:16

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