Most of us are feeling the chill in the air tonight....well, OK...let's call it like it is - it's freezing cold out there!!! It was 85 degrees last week and now this!?!? But...the fall season also ushers in memories of bonfires, apple cider, and overflowing Halloween candy bags! :)
Despite the calendar, what other season(s) are you in? Pregnancy, new job, divorce, college, moving, new team, caring for a loved one, busy-ness, loneliness, overwhelmed, underwhelmed, boiled, fried or well done....seasonal change is hard. We want to stay comfortable right where we are, right where we know the routine...
Back in Old Testament days, after Moses rescued his people and led them away from slavery through the miraculously parted Red Sea, can you believe that the people complained about the new season they were in? They wanted to go back to the old miserable abuse and torture! But once again, God performed miracles to show them how much He loved them and cared for them in the new season.
How's that working for you? Are you grumbling in the desert? Or can you remember how God has blessed you and provided for you in previous seasons?
"The LORD will open the heavens, the storehouse of His bounty, to send rain on your land in season and to bless all the work of your hands." Deuteronomy 28:12
Most of us are feeling the chill in the air tonight....well, OK...let's call it like it is - it's freezing cold out there!!! It was 85 degrees last week and now this!?!? But...the fall season also ushers in memories of bonfires, apple cider, and overflowing Halloween candy bags! :)
Despite the calendar, what other season(s) are you in? Pregnancy, new job, divorce, college, moving, new team, caring for a loved one, busy-ness, loneliness, overwhelmed, underwhelmed, boiled, fried or well done....seasonal change is hard. We want to stay comfortable right where we are, right where we know the routine...
Back in Old Testament days, after Moses rescued his people and led them away from slavery through the miraculously parted Red Sea, can you believe that the people complained about the new season they were in? They wanted to go back to the old miserable abuse and torture! But once again, God performed miracles to show them how much He loved them and cared for them in the new season.
How's that working for you? Are you grumbling in the desert? Or can you remember how God has blessed you and provided for you in previous seasons?
"The LORD will open the heavens, the storehouse of His bounty, to send rain on your land in season and to bless all the work of your hands." Deuteronomy 28:12