Family Reunion September 2014

Family Reunion September 2014

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

"Trey Tuesday" - February 25, 2020

Remember the Pain

My dad died 3 years ago this week.  Wow, the memories come flooding back.  The months before he died.  The months after he died.  The people.  The emotions.  The "stuff".  It was a lot to process.  But....we did it!  God provided what we needed when we needed it and now we remember in awe of God's plan!  :)

What about a renovation project?  Remember being displaced from your kitchen during painting or appliance update?  The picnic dinners on the living room floor, fast food...again, and using the grill more times in a month than you have in a year!  The hard work is a pain at the time, but looking back provides a deep sigh of relief at how God smooths everything out in the long run!  :)

God loves you so much He won't leave you alone!  He wants you to grow closer to Him!  Can you see His Hand as you flip through your photos?  Can you feel His love as you scroll through your social media journey?

"No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it."  Hebrews 12:11

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

"Trey Tuesday" - February 18, 2020

When the Bottom Drops

Remember the Rotor at Kennywood?  Or the Gravitron at the shore?  This amusement park ride spun at high speeds and the bottom dropped out!  The riders were safe, however, stuck to the walls of the cylinder shaped ride due to centrifugal force.

Ever feel that way?  The bottom dropping out in life?  Leaving you with nothing left to stand on?

I remember Jay telling a story about being in the hospital with Trey and looking around at all the cancer victims receiving treatments.  To those who don't know Jesus, this ugly, pain-filled world will be the best that they ever know or experience....for all eternity!  BUTTT.....for those who know Jesus, this ugly, pain-filled world will be NOTHING compared to EVERYTHING that is promised by God - both in heaven and on earth - through Jesus now and forever!  :)

You may question your circumstances. Read the Psalms - you're not the first to wonder.  Check out the gospels - read how doubt and fear were answered by the hope of Jesus.  Consider God's plan from Creation to Revelation - He created you on purpose - for His purpose!

"Stand firm then," Ephesians 6:14

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

"Trey Tuesday" - February 11, 2020


Every choice you make does at least 2 things - it leads you toward one direction and it leads you away from another direction.  Having a snack while typing this leads me down one path - and that is NOT toward the treadmill!  :)

We make thousands of choices a day.....clothes, parking spots, money, menu, TV, sleep, etc.  Are you intentional in your choices?  Or have you let your life sliiiiiiiiide in to autopilot?  Do you stop the noise in your life long enough to think/ponder/choose your action/reaction/response?

Trey choose joy.  Always...well, as always as any 4 or 5 year old could!  :)  In the dreary days, the scary days, the "he shouldn't have lived through that" days, Trey ALWAYS amazed us, made us laugh, and helped us make it to the next step.

What are you choosing?  What is your goal?  Is the choice you are making right now leading you down your desired path?

"choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve,"  Joshua 24:15

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

"Trey Tuesday" - February 4, 2020

He is So Small!

Ever step on a small Lego?!?  Or get a small popcorn kernel stuck in your teeth?  Or forget one small letter of an email address?

Small things most definitely have a HUGE impact!

Think of the SMALL raindrops and the big flood!
The SMALL lie and Jonah's big fish!
The SMALL fruit and Adam and Eve's - and our - big consequence!

God gave us little Trey to teach us BIG lessons about how to live a faith-filled life!  Through sickness and pain, days at Disney and days at the hospital, delicious treats and yucky meds....Trey lived.  Even though he was small, for 4 years our Young Warrior lived God's story out loud! 

Maybe you only have a small amount of time. Or money. Or talent to share. Make it big!  Make it count!  Give it to God and watch Him work!

"One who is faithful in a very little is also faithful in much,"  Luke 16:10