Family Reunion September 2014

Family Reunion September 2014

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

"Trey Tuesday" - January 22, 2019

Money, Time, and Energy (part 2 of 3)

How long does good training take?  Depends on the task, right?
Let's put it in perspective this way:
It takes decades to train a child to become a mature takes a few years for you to train for your career.  Hey, it even took a few weeks or months (or years!) for you to learn how to use a spoon! :)

Did you realize that Jesus spent less than 2 years training His disciples!?  Everything that they saw and did with Jesus was accomplished in such a short time.  Wow!  What an impact!

We had 6 short years with Trey.  He trained us well in that time!  Actually, even in Trey's death the lessons have continued.  I vividly remember a lesson I learned from watching Bella processing everything in her own special way.  In the immediate days of shock and processing, we had been ushering Joe and Bella along, "protecting/shielding" them from the pain and sadness.  Joe was OK - he needed to process quietly.  We assumed Bella was the same...until one day, she unexpectedly blurted out the news to a family friend.  Bella needed to say the words that her brother had died.  She needed to tell her story herself.

Just yesterday I had the opportunity to share Bella's story with parents of confused, scared, grieving children.  Because of my training with Trey, God can use me in new places!

How has His training prepared you?

No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.”  Hebrews 12:11

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