Family Reunion September 2014

Family Reunion September 2014

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Trey Tuesday - May 15, 2012

Rocky Mountains

Rocky mountains and mole hills in our lives...we all have them.
Trey has more than average!

A recent look up close and personal at THE Rocky Mountains has helped me to put life in perspective.
We will skip the science lesson part (scientists estimate the mountains are 70+ million years old?)
Geography lesson time: The Rocky Mountains are approximately 2.5 miles high by 300 miles wide by over 3,000 miles long!
Nothing can "touch" these mountains, right?

"The mountains quake before Him
    and the hills melt away.
The earth trembles at His presence,
    the world and all who live in it."
Nahum 1:5

These massive pillars of strength and endurance quake and tremble before our Heavenly Father!
Do we?
Or do we allow our problems to become a barrier?

Trey's cancer certainly could be a HUGE barrier in the lives of the Mitlos!
But you know what?  Jay and Rachel have chosen Jesus as their Rock, their foundation on which to build their family.
I know they want us to do the same.

So look around at the structures God has created.
Humble yourself under His power and strength!
Entrust Trey to God!
Ask with hope for healing for Trey!
Pray with faith for continued success in Trey's treatments!
And praise God for being good!

The Lord is good,
    a refuge in times of trouble.
He cares for those who trust in Him"
Nahum 1:7

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