Family Reunion September 2014

Family Reunion September 2014

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

"Trey Tuesday" - December 26, 2017

Christmas Cookies!

The average Christmas cookie platter contains 12 cookies and about 2,000 calories. Average. However, my Italian and German roots are anything but average!  :) Twelve cookies does not constitute a REAL cookie platter!  Soooo, let's call a REAL cookie platter one with 3 dozen delicious cookies at 6,000 calories. Biscotti, pizelles, stars, thumbprints and good old fashioned chocolate chip cookies.

I can't possibly eat an entire platter of cookies. (Believe me, I've tried lately!)  It wouldn't be good for me to do it alone.  I need the help of those close to me to conquer that goal. 

Life is sort of like that plate of Christmas cookies.  It's not good to conquer life alone.  It can make you sick.  Plus, it's fun to share the journey - AND the cookies!  

Thank you for joining us in prayer this year.  As we approach the new year, let's commit to sticking together as we continue to grow closer to God and to each other.

"My goal is that they may be encouraged in heart and united in love, so that they may have the full riches of complete understanding, in order that they may know the mystery of God, namely, Christ"  Colossians 2:2

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

"Trey Tuesday" - December 19, 2017

Looking for Love....

Are you looking for love?  Or are you listening to hate?

Long lines of traffic and at the check out.
Forgotten or lost gifts.
Late packages.
Cranky kids (and parents!)
How will you react?  Will you focus on the negative?  or will you look for the good?

Luke 2:10 reminds us:  "I bring you Good News that will cause great joy for all the people."

Imagine the circumstances Joseph and Mary had to manage on that first Christmas:
Stinky shepherds leaning over the newborn King?  Probably
Dirty animals moving around the stable, doing what animals do?  Most likely
Were the swaddling cloths light blue to indicate a newborn boy?  I doubt it.

Did they have plenty to complain about?  They sure did!  BUT>>>The Messiah, the Savior of the World, had just been born - just as God promised!  That was Good News!  That still causes great joy today!  For allllll people!  Even you in your circumstances!

Look for love.  It's God's Christmas gift to you!  :)

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

"Trey Tuesday" - December 12, 2017

A Thrill of Hope

"A thrill of hope, the weary world rejoices....."

It is December 12....less than 2 weeks until Christmas!!  We have snow and cold and groceries and bills and car repairs and sickness and much, much more.  We can easily relate to the weary part of the song.  It's a weary world.  A weary community.  A weary home.  A weary family.  A weary person who lives in this skin.

But the song doesn't end there.  Keep reading....well, keep singing!  :)

"A thrill of hope, the weary world rejoices, for yonder breaks a new and glorious morn!  Fallllllllll on your kneeeeeeees....." 

In response to being weary we can easily fall....fall on our faces!  Yep - that's exactly where we land on our own.  But....the song ends differently.  "Fall on your knees....oh, hear the angel voices!"  What were the angels saying that first Christmas?

“Glory to God in the highest heaven,
and on earth peace to those on whom His favor rests.”  Luke 2:14

Ahhhhh.....there is the thrill of hope!  Falling not on our weary faces, but falling on our knees in praise and glory to God!  Hope:  God's favor at rest in you.  <3

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

"Trey Tuesday" - December 5, 2017

That Voice

Can you imagine the voice of your favorite TV or movie character?  Does it take you back to good times watching the show?  You can recite the one-liners and punch lines of every joke?  They become a part of who you are!  :)

Well, Jay posted a video of Trey today.  That voice!  It takes my breath away!  My heart wants to be with Trey and laugh and play with him again.  I knew him so well, his voice tells me sooooo much about him!  <3

Have you ever felt like this with God?  Felt like you know what He is going to say?  Can you hear His still small voice in your life?  (or maybe His thundering voice...?)

Tune in often...He's calling your name.....

"He calls His own sheep by name and leads them out...and His sheep follow Him because they know His voice."  John 10:3,4

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

"Trey Tuesday" - November 28, 2017

Giving Tuesday, Wednesday, June, July, Always!

We bounce from Thanksgiving right in to the Christmas season!  We go from being so very thankful for each other and the many blessings around us, and then super size it during a month of parties and mangers and decorations and gifts and music and cookies and peace on earth good will to all!  :)

We are so very blessed!   Yes, there are still very heavy burdens and betrayals, illnesses and heartbreaks, but through it all.....we can give thanks for God's unchanging presence and steadfast love.  In the midst of every step of their journey, Trey and his family identified with and relied on God's faithfulness and provision because Trey wasn't a "cancer-ian", he was a Christian!  :)

This is a good verse to memorize and use as a reminder to start and end each day.

"It is good to praise the Lord
and make music to Your Name, O Most High,
proclaiming Your love in the morning
and Your faithfulness at night" Psalm 92:1,2

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

"Trey Tuesday" - November 21, 2017

An Invisible Thanksgiving

Let's play a game.  It's called An Invisible Thanksgiving:  When you say what you are thankful for this year, mention something that is unseen.  Try it now:  Turn to the person closest to you and give thanks for an unseen trait.  Why?  Well, God is more concerned with who we are, than what we accomplish, accumulate, or achieve, so we should be, too!  :)

So, instead of saying you are thankful for the way your child gets good grades, maybe you could say you are thankful for your child's diligence in studying!  :)

Not thankful for your clean kitchen, but thankful for your family's selfless team spirit in pitching in with chores!  :)

Not just, "Thanks!" for your coffee refilled at the diner, but offer thanks for your server being efficient and pleasant.

Yes, Trey was a cute little boy, with beautiful blue eyes, and a contagious smile....but Trey's invisible qualities are all we have left: the memories of the way he made us laugh, his zeal, his joy, the faith of Team Mitlo One, and the way Trey lived his little life so large!  :)

Take some time this week and plan ahead.  Bless your family with An Invisible Thanksgiving!  :)

"So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal."  2 Corinthians 4:18

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

"Trey Tuesday" - November 14, 2017

I Call You Out!

That's an old saying for when one person challenged another to a fight.  Ready or not, the offense faced the nemesis with courage and boldness (sort of like how Trey faced cancer, his parents, unwanted hugs, loud noises, etc!)  :)  Or think like a junkyard dog.....alllllllll business to defend his "stuff."

It seems the enemy is really prowling around lately in our families, our friends, our churches, schools, country, and world!  Our whole culture is being tempted and attacked.  We must fight as children of the Eternal King!  The Most High God!  Our Victorious Redeemer!  Creator of Life and yet Most Intimate Lord of our hearts! 

But don't go at it alone.  
"O LORD, oppose those who oppose me. Fight those who fight against me."  Psalm 35:1
The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds."  2 Corinthians 10:3,4 
"Therefore, strengthen your feeble arms and weak knees."  Hebrews 12:12
"Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go."  Joshua 1:9
"Finally, be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power."  Galatians 6:10

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

"Trey Tuesday" - November 7, 2017

Birthday Presence

It was 3 years ago tomorrow that I shared by birthday with hundreds of family and friends as we gathered to remember the precious life of sweet baby Trey.  To be greeted and embraced at such a sad time was the most precious gift of love!  :)  

It is amazing to realize that even in this busy, frantic culture in which we live, people still practice the tradition of honoring those who have passed away by gathering to comfort the grieving at funerals.  The universal languages of love and tears cross over barriers, lift us up and unite us.

Trials, grief, worry, fear, and stress tend to isolate us.  We crawl in to our cocoons and try and shield ourselves from the world around us.  But what if we opened up, allowed our friends and loved ones in, and asked God to work through them?  The blessings increase!  The burdens lessen!  Even a little joy can be found!  :)

"Carry one another's burdens; in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ."  Galatians 6:2

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

"Trey Tuesday" - October 31, 2017

Who Cares?

Did you ever feel like the waves crashing around you are too big to conquer?
Do you feel like all the "theys" around you are stronger and smarter than you are?
Did you ever feel like giving up?
Who would care anyway?

Wild weather (and circumstances) are all around us!  Yet life marches right on...even for the animals.  Deer and squirrels, flies and fish, all continue to eat and run, and tiny birds flap and fly despite the circumstances:

"They do not sow or reap, they have no storeroom or barn; yet God feeds them."

They know Who cares!  :)  Do you believe that?  Literally....Do you believe that God will feed your every need?  Somehow?  Someway?  To sustain you in even in the darkest hour?  The waves will peak and thrash, yet God will always be near to you. 

"How much more valuable you are than birds!"  Luke 12:24


Tuesday, October 24, 2017

"Trey Tuesday" - October 24, 2017

Pure Joy

What brings you joy?  Pure joy.  Innocent joy.  Free.  Timeless.

This world is filled with issues, difficult people, tragedies, hardships, injustices, sorrows, sickness, loss, and much, much more.  These experiences are inevitable.  We don't choose most of them, yet God allows them.

Even if you don't feel like it, sometimes it is best to just choose joy.  You can't wait to experience it.  You need to look for it.  Find it.  See it.  Accept it.

So go ahead and laugh!  Eat chocolate!  - before dinner!  Buy a puppy. (!)  Dance!
Sleep!  Paint!  Sing with the windows wise open!  Stay up for the entire ballgame or movie!  Yes, wear that fancy - or silly - outfit!  For an ordinary day!  

Choose joy!

"Gladness and joy will overtake them, and sorrow and sighing will flee away."  Isaiah 35:11

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

"Trey Tuesday" - October 17, 2017

You Too?

There is a lot of hurt in the world today.  A  lot of painful experiences and a lot of painful judgments.  Human nature causes a fight or flight instinct in us.  BUT>>>>Good News!  Jesus Christ offers us Super Natural power to rise above the norm!  :)

I've had opportunities to minister to people from around the world.  One group in particular was a group of women from Africa.  They didn't even speak English, yet I was to help meet their needs?!?  What could I do?  Panic?  Fear?  Dread?  Yep!  Of course, all my human instincts came to the top first.  Then...I asked God for His perspective.  My eyes cleared.  What did I then see?  Women.  Mothers.  Moms - like me - who wanted to provide for and nurture their children.  We had so much in common, the differences faded away!

Trey had cancer.  Yucky, nasty cancer.  However, cancer didn't define Trey.  Trey was a typical charming, sweet, lovable, adorable little boy!  Just like your son/grandson/nephew/neighbor/friend/etc.

Next time you are tempted to judge, take a deep breath and find something in common with your competitor.  Put on the lens of love.  Ask God for His point of view.

"All of you, have unity of mind, sympathy, brotherly love, a tender heart, and a humble mind."  I Peter 3:8

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

"Trey Tuesday" - October 10, 2017

An Exciting Blessing

A precious friend was just told that she has cancer.  Such devastating news to this beautiful young mom and her family.  A few days later I heard her explain her journey to some friends, "We have been blessed to be chosen for this journey.  We're excited to see what God is going to do!"  Blessed?!!?  Exciting!?!?  Not my first choice of words.......but Wow!  What faith!  What grace!  What hope!  :)


Such common words, yet they can bring huge comfort to each of us.  And an eternal perspective that helps to dispel some of today's heartache, pressure, and stress.  When you can't emotionally see the next step in front of you, look to faith, grace, and hope as only God can give!

Faith = Forsaking All I Trust Him
Grace = God's Riches At Christ's Expense
Hope = Hanging On Promises Everyday

"God is our refuge and strength, A very present help in trouble."  Psalm 46:1

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

"Trey Tuesday" - October 3, 2017


Scary stories always include a dark shadow looming....!
Tree branches and windy nights cast shadows which stir a vivid imagination.....!
And a sleepless child frightens by the shadow of familiar objects in skewed lighting!

Shadows - dark areas produced by obstruction of light

Puerto Rico
Las Vegas

Each of these areas may be considered "in the shadows"....seemingly dark areas missing out on the light of God and all things good.  But please do not despair.  Things may seem dark for a little while, but trust and know that the shadow is actually God's protective hand surrounding you, causing His shadow to fall on your precious life.  You are not alone in your pain....God is providing His shadow over you to protect you, guide you, lead you and show you His love.   

"In the shadow of His hand He has concealed Me"  Isaiah 49:2
"The LORD is your shade on your right hand."  Psalm 121:5
"Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me."  Psalm 23:4

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

"Trey Tuesday" - September 26, 2017


Remember many, many years ago when teachers would take attendance at the start of each class?  Today kids probably check in online.  My generation would utter, "Here" when the teacher read our name from the roster.  My parents' generation would respectfully reply, "Present."

Ohhhhh, if only we were more "present" today:
Present in the moment - without handheld devices
Present in our family's lives - slowing down enough to listen and love
Present in the world - knowing, realllly knowing what is going on around us - across the room, across the street, aaaaaaand across the globe
Present in our work - giving our all and trying our best - and not taking anything home
Present in our play - investing in exerting our muscles - and our funny bones!
Present in our rest - turning it off - allllll off!
And present with the Lord - praying, reading His Word, and waiting on Him.

"Be still, and know that He is God"  Psalm 46:10

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

"Trey Tuesday" - September 19, 2017

Mountains and Waves

The Poconos....Appalachian Trail....Rocky Mountains....Mountains of Maui...oh the majesty and grandeur of God's beautiful creations!  Couple those with surfing and relaxing beside the waves of the mighty oceans!  Sheer delight!  :)

Mountains of debt, anxiety, disease, disability, and trials are never chosen as weekend getaways.  We endure these mountains.  Limp up them.
Waves of doubt and fear, anger and mistrust ruin lives.  And waves of hurricane force destroy the tranquil scenes we treasure at the beach. 

We all face mountains and waves of varying many times throughout life. Hopefully, your friend can take the journey with you, yet in Christ, you are never alone.  Keep your eye on God. He will carry you up the scary, difficult mountains, He will show you a beautiful view from the peak, and then He will let you ski down to safety.

"Great is the Lord, and most worthy of praise, in the city of our God, His holy mountain.  Beautiful in its loftiness, the joy of the whole earth,"  Psalm 48:1,2

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

"Trey Tuesday" - September 12, 2017


Next time you are in a pinch, take a deep breath and ask yourself,
"What Would Trey Do?" in this situation.  More often than not the answer would be: sing, dance, shriek, jump, run around naked, call for Rachel, bug Joe, or tease Bella!  :)  Where is Jay in this equation?  Probably taking a picture or cheering Trey on!  :)

There is a lot of weariness in our world today.  Everyone seems to be carrying pretty heavy loads.  And lots of heavy loads.  Burdens that can't be fixed, changed, healed, bought, sold, moved, answered, calmed, united....unless God Himself intervenes and provides a miracle.  The need for prayer and companionship has never been greater.  We all need a little/a lot of TLC.  We need to receive it and we need to give it.

Aaaaaaaand maybe we need to don our Mickey ears and sunglasses, grab a saltine, and take a little time out with a friend.

"Your love has given me great joy and encouragement"  Philemon 1:7

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

"Trey Tuesday" - September 5, 2017

Waders, Watchers, and Warriors

September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month.
And it is Neonatal Intensive Care (NICU) Awareness Month.
And the month of weddings and anniversaries.
And birthdays.
And back to school.
And graduations.
And many other celebrations of life.
Many hardships of life, too.
And much, much more!

God probably hasn't called you to each one of the above mentioned major life events at the same time, but you most likely know people in the heat of the battle right now.  So, what is your role?  Are you less important because you don't have a BIG issue going on in your life?  God answers this question in I Samuel 30:24: "The share of the man who stayed with the supplies is to be the same as that of him who went down to the battle. All will share alike."
You see, God can use you right where you are. God needs you right where you are.  No waiting for further training or preparation  It's GO time!  :)

Some of you may be Waders - feeling like you are drowning, trudging through the thick of your trials.  You are deep in the situation.
Some of you may be Watchers - close to, but not in the center, you are standing on guard for your family, friend, neighbor, or coworker.  You provide a meal, a shoulder, a praying emoji on Facebook, a random card or call.
And some of you may be Warriors - praying fervently from a distance, maybe not ever meeting all the people involved.

Team Mitlo One was - and is - a beautiful example of Waders, Watchers, and Warriors. Thank you for hearing God call you - and answering in a big way time and time again!
Have great confidence in knowing God can use you to love others.....yes, even you!

"God has given each of you a gift from His great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another."  I Peter 4:10

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

"Trey Tuesday" - August 29, 2017

Flood Victims

Our heads and hearts are heavy with grief for the flood victims of Texas.  Their fear and loss are unimaginable!

Most of us have never experienced a physical flood like Hurricane Harvey has produced, but we all have suffered similar feelings in life:
- the flood of mourning
- the flood of stress
- the flood of illness/diagnosis
- the flood of un/underemployment
- the flood of fear
- the flood of loneliness
- the flood of exhaustion
- the flood of unworthiness
- the flood of betrayal

Maybe your life hasn't been filled with huge tragedies like floods or storms, but you live with a constant drizzle, chronic cloudiness, or perpetual fog.  They can be just as devastating!

How did Jay and Rachel weather the journey of Trey's diagnosis?
With faith in something bigger, stronger, and more stable than the doctors or any present circumstance!

Right now - right where you are - read over Psalm 18.  Read it.  Pray it.
Believe it!

"I love you, Lord, my Strength.
  The Lord is my Rock, my Fortress and my Deliverer;
my God is my Rock, in Whom I take refuge,
my Shield and the Horn of my Salvation, my Stronghold."
Psalm 18:1,2

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

"Trey Tuesday" - August 22, 2017

Separation Anxiety

Do you still have your security blanket?  Or a favorite ball hat?  Or first license plate? Why?  Why do you hold on to something worthless like that? Because it isn't worthless!  :)  You don't want to experience separation anxiety from giving something up!

What you don't want to give up is not really the physical item, is it?  I mean, is that stuffed animal from your first boy/girlfriend realllllllly that cute?  Will you ever ever ever wear that rock band tshirt again?!?  Is that painting your preschooler made worthy of that frame you bought without a coupon?!

I still keep in my car a towel that Trey carried the day before he died.  He held on to it just in case he got sick while he was shopping at Five Below.  It's a plain old yellow towel.  Worth about 10 cents.  To anyone else.  To me?  It is priceless!

Holding that towel instantly takes me back to that day.  That place.  That precious, precious moment with Trey.  It's not about the towel.  It's about Trey.

God has also provided many physical items branded with His message, His comfort, His love: a newborn baby, thunderstorms, corn fields, an eclipse, seasons, puppies, friends, and much, much more!

"Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God."  2 Corinthians 1:3,4

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

"Trey Tuesday" - August 15, 2017

I'm exhausted!

My brother, Jay Mitlo: How to Meet Emotional Needs, will be so proud of me when I tell him about my day!  :)  I was able to spend some time with a long lost friend, catching up on life.  We laughed.  We cried.  We cried some more.  And then some more.  She had a lot of recent hurts to tell me about.  I rode the virtual roller coaster of life with her, all while sitting in a local coffee shop.

No, I don't have a counseling degree.  (farrrrrrrrrrrr from it!)  :)
No, I wasn't paid to listen to her.
No, I didn't try and fix her.
And no, I don't have so much free time in my life that I can just sip coffee with friends all day.  God simply united us at this time with His wisdom and strength and love.

Anyone can be a friend.  Any one.  Listen and learn from those who make you feel loved.  Cling closely to the Author and Creator of Love and Relationships.  
He's ready and waiting to love you up close and personal so you can then sit with friends, walk with them, laugh, cry, carry burdens, and share life.

"love one another deeply, from the heart."  I Peter 1:22

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

"Trey Tuesday" - August 8, 2017

A lot

Our lives are filled with A LOT lately.  We live in a country and culture filled with lots of stuff - and lots to do - and lots of technology - and lots of noise - and lots and lots of interruptions!  It can be overwhelming!  How do we get off the hamster wheel?  How can we invest time in cleaning, resting, praying, dieting, exercising, bonding, and balancing a budget without losing our minds?!?! 

Jay and Rachel learned how priorities need to be rearranged quickly.  Major life changes do that.  They grab our attention and can hold us hostage....but we don't have to surrender to them.  God can redeem those times for your good and His glory!

Get off the merry go round regularly.  Take a walk.  Go ahead - use the fine china.  Let a close friend in.  Give yourself some grace.  And space.  And time.  And rest.  And prayer.

"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit."  Romans 15:13

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

"Trey Tuesday" - August 1, 2017

Treasure Hunting

Have you ever seen beachcombers scanning the shoreline, metal detectors in tow, seeking something/anything of value?
Or children prancing at the shore's edge thinking they want to find a crab, yet in reality they would scream if they ever succeeded?  :)
Or perhaps collectors searching for the perfect, unbroken shell?

What about you?  What are you hunting?  What is your treasure?  How do you invest your time and talents?

Jay and Rachel and Joe and Bella knew they needed to treasure every moment with Trey since his diagnosis.  Sure there were hard times, but there were also fun times.  Every day was a gift.  Every memory is a cherished treasure.

You may not be under doctor's care, banker's warning, or lawyer's counsel.  Maybe you are.
You may appreciate different kinds and sizes of treasures.  Some are temporary.  Few are eternal.  Spend your time wisely.  And make some awesome memories!  :)

“Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal.
For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."  Matthew 6:19-21

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

"Trey Tuesday" - July 25, 2017

Please Stop!

Back to School sales are rampant and I haven't even cut my watermelon opena yet! Life is so fast moving we aren't living in the here and now!

Take a deep breath!  Thank God for something simple that you may have overlooked:
ice cubes
your car starting
a cold pillow
a puddle
a pen that works
sun kissed cheeks
hot coffee/iced coffee/frozen coffee - you get the picture!  :)
a ripe tomato
no bills in the mail
a fully charged device

Trey found joy in absolutely everything!  How can you look for God's gifts in the every day?  Leave a comment to share life's simple joys with those who may be too busy to read to the end of the post!  :)

"you will find delight in the Almighty and will lift up your face to God.  You will pray to Him, and He will hear you"  Job 22:26, 27

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

"Trey Tuesday" - July 18, 2017

Lazy Days?

Experiencing the lazy days of summer yet?  Ummmm....I don't think so.  It seems like everyone is busier than ever this summer!

Kids' lives are being changed for eternity at summer camps!
Beach photos abound!
Fresh peaches and corn on the cob at road side stands!
VBS songs and themes etched in the hearts and minds of everyone!
Mission trips providing deep and priceless memories!
Softball, soccer, swimming, diving, and porch swings!
House and yard projects never ending!
Graduation, birthday, and wedding celebrations!
Sun, rain, wind, sun, and more rain!
And yet there are also injuries, doctor appointments, tests, and surgeries for many.  Trey was our Young Warrior, but there are other warriors out there who are still fighting their battles - yes, even in the summer.  Not very lazy days for them.

Let's rally together!  Embrace each other!  Share your story!  Drop your masks and offer some love!  Extend grace!  And make some time to celebrate!  :)

Today I choose to celebrate a very special icon in our family!  Trey's Great, Great Aunt Rosella - Someone who has lived every day of her life embracing, supporting, encouraging, loving, laughing, serving, giving, and playing poker until the wee hours of the morning!  Happy 97th birthday Aunt Rosella!  <3

"Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His love endures forever.  Let the redeemed of the Lord tell their story—"  Psalm 107:1,2 

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

"Trey Tuesday" - July 11, 2017


I love loving people. All kinds of people!

Trey's Grandma (my mom) had outpatient surgery today. (She was phenomenal, thank God!) Spending time in the waiting room was such an exercise in observation, appreciation, and self-control. (I can't narrate a hospital visit quite like Jay Mitlo, but oh my goodness, it was soooooo interesting!)

Some people are just, "Soooooo......"  They're just comfortable being who they are!  :) 
A group of women in the waiting room was enjoying a TV show - out loud!  Laughing and giggling and commenting - having sooooooo much fun!  Another man was napping and burping.....right beside me.  Soooooo comfortable!  And then there were the unremarkable people who were soooooooo peacefully and patiently waiting.....sooooooooooo peacefully doing nothing at all.  (That was NOT me!) :)

Mom and I told Trey stories today.  Trey was, "Sooooo...."  When Trey was happy - watch out!  He was sooooooo happy!  :)  When Trey was loud, he was soooooo loud!  :) And when Trey was got it....he was sooooooo determined!

Are you that comfortable with who God made you to be?

"For everything God created is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving"  I Timothy 4:4

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

"Trey Tuesday" - July 4, 2017

Hide and Seek

Oh, the endless games of Hide and Seek, filled with the adventure and mystery of finding the perfect spot to wait until being found by, "It."  Wasn't it great being in the hiding place that was the best?  You could crouch down in that spot for a long time before being found!  :)

How long did you wait until that exact right moment to reveal yourself?  You know, when almost everyone was found, they couldn't find you, and they were ready to give up.  What if you waited too long and they never found you?  What if one of the players quit and went home instead of being found?  How long can you hide before it's not a game anymore?

Trey was like most children.  When he was quiet you had to check on him to try and prevent (or minimize!)a disaster.  Children rarely clean their rooms or take naps in secret in order to try and surprise you!  :)

Since the very beginning of time, people have been trying to play Hide and Seek with God.
But it doesn't work.  God, the Creator and Author of life knows you and loves you so very much!  He's waiting for you to come out of hiding. 

"For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him."  John 3:17

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

"Trey Tuesday" - June 27, 2017

Biker Down

I was on my way home the other day and I noticed something unusual on the side of the road.  A motorcycle was on its side and the driver was lying right beside it.
It didn't look like a medical emergency, so I, like dozens of others, drove right on past.

Not the bikers behind me, though.  They knew their "friend" needed them. They calmly did a u-turn and drove to meet the needs of the other biker.  There was no hesitation.  No rubbernecking.  No questions asked.  Just loyalty and unity.

Many of us came together to pray for Baby Trey.  It's easy to love on and support a child with a huge diagnosis.  How do you do when it's an older person?  With a not-so-huge/maybe-even-annoying need?  Let's be like those bikers and be an unspoken loyal team - believers supporting one another on the journey, fueled by love, extravagant with grace and mercy, encouraging each other in prayer.

“Jesus prayed, 'My prayer is not for My disciples alone. I pray also for those who will believe in Me through their message, that all of them may be one, Father, just as You are in Me and I am in You."  John 17:20,21

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

"Trey Tuesday" - June 20, 2017


Wait!  Don't scroll past!
I just want to clear things up!

We've been doing this "Trey Tuesday" for a few years now and I need to make something clear.  This hasn't been all about Trey.  It hasn't been about Jay and Rachel.  It hasn't been about me writing.

Everything we have done is to give glory and respect to God.

It's that simple.  And that important.

"all things were created through Him and for Him."  Colossians 1:16

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

"Trey Tuesday" - June 13, 2017

Your Legacy

Thank you for your faithfulness in reading and praying with us through Trey Tuesday.  Trey had no idea that his life, his story, would be used for years to tell of the love and power and glory of God.  Trey was just being the Trey that God made him to be.

What about you?  What is your legacy?  No, you don't need to amass prestige and wealth so that one day a library can be named after you.  You don't even need any money to leave a legacy.

What about you makes you undeniably YOU?

Talents?  Athletics?  Work ethic?  Extraordinary wit?  Ukelele playing?  Strength?  Honesty?  Lanky arms and legs?  Compassion?  Baking?  Letter writing?  Peace?  How are you using the gift of YOU to tell the story of our Extraordinary Creator?

"For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities--His eternal power and divine nature--have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse."  Romans 1:20

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

"Trey Tuesday" - June 6, 2017


Go ahead!  Laugh!  Laugh hard!  Laugh until you cry!  :)

Last weekend we celebrated a high school graduation in our extended family.  This weekend we celebrate another one!  :)  Somewhere in the middle of all this, Grandma came down with symptoms resulting in a hospital stay.  How did we pass the time while we waited in the ER?

We watched videos of Trey!  :)  Oh, to see Grandma smile as we reminisced, was medicine for my soul!  Silly, sweet Trey still makes us smile and yes, laugh!  We later shared the videos with the extended family.  It was nothing short of God's grace and mercy overflowing to watch Jay and Rachel enjoy the videos...hearing Trey's voice, seeing his precious face, imagining him in their arms again.  We laughed out loud, although we cried inside.  Maybe I cried a little on the outside, too.

God provided soooooo much joy then, and yes, even now in our sweet little boy!  God's love, overflowing through family and friends, continues to bring us to tears.  Tears of grief.  Tears of joy.

Go ahead!  Enjoy the life God has given!  Laugh!  :)

"Our mouths were filled with laughter, our tongues with songs of joy. Then it was said among the nations, "The LORD has done great things for them.' The Lord has done great things for us,and we are filled with joy"  Psalm 126:2,3

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

"Trey Tuesday" - May 30, 2017

May I Have Your Attention Please?
Do you ever feel like someone is trying to get your attention?
Maybe it's a bill collector?
Or an impatient toddler?
The guy in the car behind you?
What if it's God?  What if God Himself if trying to get your attention?
Circumstances and trials intensify, combine, and collide with our well planned schedules.
The inconvenience of stress is amazing!  Most of the time we complain it away.  We work it away.  We talk it away.  Or at least we try to.  But what if God has you there on purpose....His purpose?  Is He getting your attention?
The unpredictable battle that Jay and Rachel endured while their little boy fought cancer was huge!  They never knew when a new diagnosis or symptom would come flying at them from out of nowhere.  Regardless, they always kept themselves (and us!) focused on God's plan throughout the journey.  They stood on the Truths and the Promises of God.  Rock Solid Promises of God.
Health will fail.
People will flake.
Money is fickle.
God is Forever Faithful.

For all of God's promises have been fulfilled in Christ with a resounding "Yes!" And through Christ, our "Amen" (which means "Yes") ascends to God for His glory."  2 Corinthians 1:20

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

"Trey Tuesday" - May 23, 2017

Hockey and Football - Man's Excuse

Experts have determined that there are 5 Love Languages.  Words of Affirmation, Receiving Gifts, and Quality Time are a few of them.  Physical Touch is another.  
The first few sound wonderful to many!  Accolades and presents!  Sounds good to me!  :)

Physical Touch in social circles makes us squirm.  Hand shakes are OK, but don't linger.  High fives work, but please just touch and go.  What about a hug!?!?  A  long lost friend hug is OK.  Even a joy induced hug.  Anything more than that might not be for you.  But....a hug is soooooooooo good for you!  :)

Watch any football player!  Tackles are merely hugs in disguise!  Most guys keep their distance until they play football - or definitely hockey - and then it is hugs all around!

This life is hard.  
Ask Jay and Rachel.
Or Joe and Bella.
Or Manchester, England.
Or those battling addiction.
Or fear.
Or financial stress.
Or managing a child with special needs.
Or job loss.

Offer a hug.  Receive a hug.  No, a hug won't make the problems go away, but it may offer a brief moment of distraction, comfort, and a reassurance of love.

"Be devoted to one another in love."  Romans 12:10

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

"Trey Tuesday" - May 16, 2017

Trey Mitlo:  Young Warrior

warrior: a person who fights in battles and is known for having
courage and skill

Trey was called our "Young Warrior" from Day One of his diagnosis of neuroblastoma, but God created Trey to be a warrior long before that fateful day.  Trey was not your typical child.  He loved going to the doctor!  His nurses were his friends!  He giggled while in the hospital!  He never ever, not for one second, knew that he was sick.  He fought his battle with great courage and skill.  Yet....sometimes his warrior-hood spilled over....over on to his sweet Grandma, "No, Grandma.  Don't sit by me.  You sit over there!"  Never with intent to harm or disrespect, but always with intent to...well....boss us around and show us who was the Warrior!  :)  Trey was a warrior, through and through.

What about you?  How has God carefully crafted you?  What are your strengths?  Can they also be seen as your weaknesses?  Consider how you can use those strengths to live a life worthy of the calling you have received.  (Ephesians 4:1)

"For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them."  Ephesians 2:10